Top-Rated Treatment for
Tension Myositis Syndrome

Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) is a term that was coined by the late Dr. John Sarno, a physician in New York City who was among the first to clearly understand how influential the mind is on symptoms in the body.

Dr. Stracks studied with Dr. Sarno and has now taken Dr. Sarno’s work to the next level, both in his understanding of the science of the mind-body connection and his treatment methods that include psychological work; group classes; knowledge and education; and the support of qualified professionals.

People seek out Dr. Stracks for his knowledge for several reasons. A common one is to try to confirm the diagnosis of TMS (also known as Mind-Body Syndrome, or MBS). Dr. Stracks spends 60 minutes in the initial consultation listening to your history of symptoms, your current symptoms, and your personality traits. He also gets a sense of the stress in your life, both past and present. Dr. Stracks then gives an explanation about why the TMS diagnosis does or does not make sense and how to move forward with treatment if TMS is present.

One of the Leading TMS Communities in the World

Dr. Stracks also serves as a resource for patients who know they have TMS but have not been able to progress with their treatment. The patients in Dr. Sarno’s books get better in just a few paragraphs, but in real life, it’s oftentimes much more complex. If you know that you’re suffering from TMS but just don’t quite know what to do next, Dr. Stracks can help you put pieces in place to help get you on the path to feeling better.

Dr. Stracks has created one of the leading TMS communities in the world in his practice. He teaches classes in healing from TMS and hosts frequent webinars in which patients who have recovered talk about their experiences and how they healed. He also runs a more advanced group for patients who have had success putting TMS principles into practice and are looking to continue to expand the range of tools they can use for healing. 

Have questions before you get started? We may have already answered them here.

 This is For You If …

Schedule a consultation if you have real physical symptoms, such as chronic pain, gastrointestinal issues, and fibromyalgia, that have not been explained by diagnostic tests.

Whatever your questions or goals might be for your treatment for chronic pain or other symptoms, an initial appointment with Dr. Stracks will help you move forward toward removing those symptoms from your life. Click below to get started with your consultation.

“I can honestly say that the Tension Myositis Syndrome/Mind-Body Syndrome class has changed my life. I now look at my personal history, emotional and mental life, as well as external stressors and triggers, and understand how my health has been or can be adversely affected by them. The class provided excellent tools for effectively dealing with pain and fatigue issues if they arise in the future.”